Monday, March 30, 2009

Information overload

I often feel that I desire to learn so much that sometimes I am overloaded and overwhelmed with it all. I read a blog that a woman from South Carolina writes about living simply. This post from March 15th summed up my thoughts on information overload. 

Check it out here:

My life the past week...

Praying for Brandi and her family, Daddy Walker is very ill.

House-sitting the neighbors' dog.

Meet Taloulah  aka. Lu Lu

Getting 16" of snow

Still dreaming of my "dreamhouse".

My life the past week...

Dreaming about the place I may live someday.

Fishing with Em at Boyd Lake

A very muddy Jetta who didn't like her shower when we got home.


Love her with all my heart.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Our first fishin trip of the year

This weekend Colorado had such nice weather that Emily and I took our first fishing trips of the year! It was a huge learning experience for both of us, but all in all was great fun! The weather was in the high 70's so we also got a little sun. Jetta had fun too, she decided to roll around in the mud so I had to bathe her when we got home.

Pics will be posted later today.

We really missed having our papa there with us to help out. I had to figure out how to do all of the stuff on my own and it was fun, but made me miss him so much more! 

Friday, March 20, 2009

Feelin' the love

With spring break upon me, I've had time to relax and enjoy some of the nice weather. I feel the Lord shining joy on my life and providing glimpses of hope for my future.

In addition to not having school pressures upon me, I've been give notes from patients of how they appreciated my assistance and smile during their stay. I've also received lots of little gifts from those who love me. While I don't view love through gift-giving only, they have been some wonderful surprises! :)

I hope that spring is starting well for you all!

I would like to post some pictures soon of things that remind me of spring.....look for them in the next posting!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Currently reading.....

Over this next week I am on Spring Break. I am planning on going fishing a couple of days but I also would like to read "The Shack". I've just read the first chapter - any thoughts?

I'm just curious what other people think about that book, if they've read it! 

Post a thought please!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Awesome Little Cousin!!!!!

My cousin, who's 6, decided to sing at his school talent show. He was so on key and kept it all together!!!!! I am so proud of him!
Click on the link to go see it!