Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Camping fun!

Over the Labor Day weekend we had a family camping trip with the Thoma's, The Hardy's, and our friend Jon Matz. This was Hannah and Samantha's first ever camping trip and they were in heaven!

We hiked on a trail called the Braille Trail that was originally created for blind people. There is a picture of Hannah with the glasses on that they give you so that you can also get the "blind experience". I walked the entire trail "blind"! I would like to go back and do the trail without the glasses sometime also...

 Our family :)

Hannah...ready to hike the braille trail!

Look close enough (at the top-ish right of the pic) and you can see the twins sitting on the bench at the bottom of the mountain we hiked!

 Samantha, our self-declared camp teacher! :)
 Jon had us over to his camp site for a wonderful dinner. Jetta is looking for dropped crumbs, of course.

 Hannah being a silly goose!

 Andrew, Noah, Dusty and Ryan...doing what men do best - eating! :)

 Jetta waiting for Sarah to drop her some goods!

 Tim stoking a fire!

 My pretty lady J sitting next to me by the campfire 
and laying on her mattress snuggled up in the tent!