Friday, February 20, 2009

Nothing's Impossible

Working through the pain.

Nothings Impossible
From the book the Simple Life: devotional thoughts from Amish country

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
2 Corinthians 4:16

A terrible racket woke Fern early one Saturday morning, and she scrambled out of bed. “I wonder what’s going on outside,” she said to her husband, Willard, who was also awake.
“Guess we’d better find out.” Willard rushed to the window, and Fern did the same. She lifted the dark shade and gasped. Pounding hailstones poured from the sky, covering the deck and beating the plants in their yard to shreds.
Fern nodded. “I’ve never seen this much hail come down in the month of September before. My beautiful flowers will be gone.”
When the hail stopped coming down and the couple had gotten dressed, they headed outside to survey the damage.
“See that pile of hailstones?” Willard pointed to a spot near the front step. “I’ll bet it’s nearly a foot deep!”
“The tender leaves on the trees look pathetic. It’s impossible for anything to have survived that storm,” Fern said, as she glanced around a yard that had been bursting with color yesterday. Shea started to head back inside, but Willard stopped her.
“Look there, at that patch of hail near the maple tree.” He pointed across the yard.
Fern’s face broke into a smile. “Oh, Willard, there’s a purple pansy sticking its head out. I guess everything didn’t die after all.”
He reached over and took hold of her hand. “Even if the flowers and leaves hadn’t made it – most likely they would have come back next spring.”
There are many times when we feel weighed down by unexpected, unpleasant circumstances. But with God nothing is impossible. He gives us promises like the one found in Lamentations 3:22-23: “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”
Even when the burdens of life take us down, through Christ we can be renewed in spirit every day.

Food for thought
God does not spare us trials, but He helps us overcome them.

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